In recent years, we have seen a considerable geographic expansion of the world's population. So much so that in 2022, we will have reached the eight billion mark on Earth. Haiti has not been spared from this expansion. With this increase, unsurprisingly, we are witnessing an increase in demand for many resources, among the most basic of which we can cite, water. In fact, water distribution infrastructures, as well as those intended to treat the latter, no longer meet demand (others in addition to this was not exactly the case since long before, but with this increase we are facing to a growing crisis). With the aim of finding the outcome of intervention that would be the most favorable to facilitate development favorable to the population, while taking into account the strong constraints that weigh on the daily lives of residents and with the specific aim of analyzing the vulnerability of the population facing diseases that are transmitted by water, the researchers who wrote the following article took Canaan as samples. Why Canaan? it is a space created after the earthquake of January 12 by presidential decree in order to accommodate disaster victims. This agglomeration lives in a critical state, the living conditions of the people are really difficult, which has undoubtedly increased their index of vulnerability to diseases, families when they can are forced to resort to unconventional methods in order to treat the water to be consumed.
References :
- Tallon, P., Magajna, B., Lofranco, C., & Leung, K. T. (2005). Microbial indicators of faecal contamination in water: a current perspective. Water, air, and soil pollution, 166(1-4), 139-166.
- WHO. (2006). Guidelines for drinking water quality, First Adendum to third ed., Recommendations, vol. 1, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland.